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For Anyone Looking To Monetize Their Passion For Fitness...

"New System Reveals How To
Start A Remote Fitness Business

"New System Reveals How To Start A Remote Fitness Business That Easily Generates $10-20k+ Take-Home Per Month In 2024"

That Easily Generates $10-20K+
Take-Home Per Month In 2024”

...Without Needing Any Experience Or Having To Quit Your Job, Which Makes It A Low-Risk And High-Return Business You Can Run In Just 30-60 Minutes A Day...

Fitness Millions is a counterintuitive approach to starting & growing profitable online fitness businesses...

We do this by using a simple 'Program Pre-Selling' System that brings eager, ready-to-pay fitness customers straight to you—even before you've had a single conversation with them...

...All without wasting time spamming cold messages online, needing to be a social media star or spending money on paid advertising.

And as a result... This allows you to have a consistent stream of fitness customers - so you can live your life on your own terms while your Fitness Business works for you... 

...this is - Fitness Millions

If You Cracked The Code To Fitness, You Can Crack The Code To Business... Because We Did It For You



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And Here's Some Of Their Sales...



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And Here's Some Of Their Sales...

Fitness Millions is Your Shortcut

Here’s a Few of Our Case Studies Using the Fitness Millions Model...

...And What their New lives look like now...




12 chapters. 3 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new high-paying fitness clients by having them come to you.

 Instant access

PRICE: $327 $27.00

7-Day Fast Start Training

The 7-Day Fast Start is exactly what it sounds like: Helping you get a client in the next 7 days with this fast start video series.

 Instant access


$5,000+ Diet & Training Program Template 

That's right. We're literally giving you your client fulfillment. You'll get the plug and play training program that people are selling for $5,000+ in 2024.

 Instant access


Program Profit Calculator

The Program Profit Calculator helps you figure out your numbers with over 90% accuracy before you even start. This will give you an indication to how well your fitness business might perform.

 Instant access


$56,000/mo Fitness Business  Breakdown Video

You don't need to reinvent the wheel. You're getting a Step-By-Step breakdown of an active $500k/year Fitness Coaching Business so you can copy what's working right now.

 Instant access


Bonus #9: Private 1-1 Breakthrough Session With My Team 

A Free 1-1 Breakthrough Session with a  7-Figure Business Owner, dedicated to helping you dial in your offer and setup your pre-selling system.

 Instant access


A-Z Launch Checklist

Ensure you don’t miss any crucial tasks from this 24-step launch checklist and you won’t be leaving money on the table.

 Instant access



Only $327.00 $27.00

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Backed by our 30-day money back guarantee. You'll love the book or we'll give you your money back AND let you keep your copy.

Excellent based on 456 reviews

Order Now And You'll Receive:



12 chapters. 3 bonus chapters. All focused on one thing: helping you acquire new high-paying fitness clients without having to chase them down.

 Instant access

PRICE: $327 $27.00

7-Day Fast Start Training

The 7-Day Fast Start is exactly what it sounds like: Helping you get a client in the next 7 days with this fast start video series.

 Instant access


$5,000+ Diet & Training Program Template 

That's right. We're literally giving you your client fulfillment. You'll get the plug and play training program that people are selling for $5,000+ in 2024.

 Instant access


Program Profit Calculator

The Program Profit Calculator helps you figure out your numbers with over 90% accuracy before you even start. This will give you an indication to how well your coaching offer might perform.

 Instant access


$56,000/mo Fitness Business  Breakdown Video

You don't need to reinvent the wheel. You're getting a Step-By-Step breakdown of an active $500k/year Fitness Coaching Business so you can copy what's working right now.

 Instant access


Bonus #9: Private 1-1 Breakthrough Session With My Team 

A Free 1-1 Breakthrough Session with one of my coaches dedicated to helping you dial in your offer and setup your pre-selling system

 Instant access


A-Z Launch Checklist

Ensure you don’t miss any crucial tasks from this 26-step launch checklist and you won’t be leaving money on the table.

 Instant access



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Excellent based on 456 reviews


The Only System You’ll Ever Need To Build Your Dream Online Fitness Business​

We put everything we’ve learned, everything we use ourselves in this book so that you can learn from our mistakes, our wins, as well as benefitting from all the time, effort, and money that has gone into the experiences that made their way into this book.

Here's What A Few Of Our Members Have To Say About Using The FITNESS MILLIONS MODEL...

For Anyone Looking To Start, Scale or Automate Their Online Fitness Business...

Here's How We've Taken Over 160+ Online Fitness Businesses From 'Barely Scraping By' - To Cashing Multiple 6-Figures A Year By Ignoring The Common Wisdom, Breaking All The Rules, And Turning The Online Training Model Upside Down...

This Is Something Completely New, Completely Different, Completely Unlike Anything You've ​Ever Heard of Before -
Read The Story Below To Discover The Fitness Millions Model

Start reading here

Start reading here

From: The desks of Vince Rieck & Liam Adams
Re: Building A Casual 6-Figure Online Fitness Business

Dear Future 6-Figure Fitness Coach,

Would it surprise you to learn, that there's hundreds of online fitness coaches that are making upwards of $20,000... $30,000 and even $50,000 a month right now - using the model broken down inside this book?

If you're skeptical about that...

That's Good.

Because there’s A LOT of people making a lot of promises out there...that don’t back them up…

In fact - they CAN'T back them up (even if they wanted to).

I’ve been there...

And I know you don’t want to hear any more promises...

You Just Want Proof - Real Proof...

You Want Proof That It Worked For Us...

​AND You Want Proof That It's Working For Others...

And Most Of All You Want Proof That It's Going To Work For You

But first, read this disclaimer:

We have the benefit of running multiple online businesses and generating over 7-figures in different markets.

The average person who buys any “how to” information gets little to no results. We're using these references for example purposes only.

Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.

All purchases entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS eBOOK.

With That Said, Take A Look At This...

That's a screenshot from one of our client's payment processing accounts for his online fitness business ...

...You can see over $116,000 in client signups in 45 days

And that's all from just selling online fitness programs...

(And by the way...he doesn't even have a PT certification)

And Here's More Sales...

…this is from a client who launched his online fitness coaching business with the Fitness Millions model and hit over $28,000 in cash collected in JUST the first month...

And Here's More Sales...

Now Have A Look At This...

These are $3,000-$5,000 personal training client signups...  

The $3,000-$5,000 deals are full-pay clients...

The $300-$1,500 per month deals are monthly recurring payments from beginner clients...

And the $5,000-$10,000 sign-ups are seriously committed clients that want to buy full diet, training & mindset packages from you...

You can see sales from $300/mo-$1,500/mo coming in (those are recurring payment options our members give to beginner clients)...

And Here's More...

And Another...

And Now Check Out…Our Members Getting Ultra High Paying Clients Without Even Breaking A Sweat...

These pictures are of paid in full deals from clients that want SUPER in-depth services & for you to take their results to the next level

​You can see the some of the deals being closed are $20,000+ USD and people hitting record months...

You can see Consistent Program Sales coming in for $3,000-$20,000+ USD

And even though being able to get the attention from complete strangers week-in and week-out...

...turn them into pre-sold people that already want to work with you...

...and then turn those people into high-paying clients is pretty good and the cashflow is great...

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There's another thing we almost forgot to mention...

As an added bonus - our Members are also able to build a hyperactive audience From Scratch...

And that's not all...

​Because they're also able to...​

...generate Passive recurring revenue, paying Out every single month Like Clockwork…

In fact, it's very common for our members to generate as much as 20% of their revenue in just recurring cashflow alone...

...and it doesn't stop there, because our members' sales volume gets so high that...

...getting thousands in payouts daily From their online personal training business is Their New Normal...

And if that wasn't enough...

Some have used our model to hit big numbers while Actually Working Less...

And using all that extra time however they want…​

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But that’s not the best part…

​…The best part is the fact that…

We're Able To Meetup &
Travel All Over The World While Our Businesses Are Working For Us...

As you'll see in the testimonials and case studies below...

(Highlights From The Fitness Millions Annual Mastermind - Scottsdale, AZ
December 2023)

And because of all this...

...Being able to get the attention of complete strangers every day...

...Being able to turn those strangers into pre-sold people that already want to buy from you before even speaking...

...And being able to turn those pre-sold people into full-pay clients that gladly pay you what you ask of them...

...And then build a hyperactive audience full of buyers...

...Building an additional stream of recurring revenue...

...Generate thousands in payouts per day...

...Getting more of your time back...

...And in turn building an amazing business, based on transforming other people's lives for the better...

Hundreds of online personal trainers were able to build 6-figure businesses in just A Few months of us privately releasing this model​​

And they were all able to do it with just their laptops & their phone...

NO crazy tech setup or software to learn.

No huge staff to manage.

No big expenses to worry about.

No prior experience in the market.

...All they used was the exact same model that I'm about to share with you on this very page...

...And the reason that system works so well is because...​

We use a completely Counterintuitive model To Attract Coaching Clients...

The same Fitness Millions model that online personal trainers from all over the world are using right now to get the attention of COMPLETE strangers & pre-selling them on their fitness coaching...

​And in turn starting & scaling their online fitness businesses faster than ever before...

​...while just having to focus on transforming their clients lives through diet, training & self-development...


It’s One Thing For Us To Tell You This Works...& Another For Our Member Results To Do The Talking For Us…

So that's why...

...I want to introduce you to a couple of our members who have used the Fitness Millions Model...

AND hit Serious Numbers back-to-back-to-back...

Meet Bryan Scudiere - Who’s Using The 'Program Pre-Selling' SYSTEM To Generate Over $45,000 A Month Helping Fathers get in shape For Their Families…

Bryan started off struggling to get personal training clients online consistently…

And now - he runs a thriving online personal training business...

...he focuses on helping fathers get into the best shape of their lives & being strong examples for their families…

…Generating over $45,000 per month using this model...

And he’s able to pull in $45k a month without having to chase anyone down - they ALL come to him on their own…

That’s right... his ‘Program Pre-Selling’ System brings in clients for him and he collects the money…

That’s not even the best part…

The best part is he doesn’t have to spend time away from his family or become a celebrity to do this...

...he hit these numbers building his Instagram from scratch to now hitting 20k followers...

In fact his YouTube channel has LESS than 300 subscribers!

And Bryan isn’t the only one either…

This is Sebastian Betancur, Who Went From $6 In His Bank Account To Over $23,000 A Month In Just 2 Months By Helping People Curb Their Binge Eating…

When Sebastian found us…He literally had zero experience getting clients and needed to get them fast.

Using the Fitness Millions Model...

...he was able to get out of debt...

...quit driving for Uber...

...and went from $0 to $23,000 A Month in his first 30 days...and even bought a house with the revenue he was generating now

And even though the money he’s making is great…

His true passion is helping people who are struggling with binge eating curb their cravings and create healthier habits…

Now…I’d like to introduce you to yet another one of our members…

This Is Alistair Bremner, Who Launched His Fitness Coaching Business And Got To $38,000 Per Month In JUST 4 Weeks

Alistair came to us after hearing about Fitness Millions from one of our existing members...

He wanted his fitness business to make enough money to help retire his parents and allow his girlfriend to quit her job…

…And we did exactly that.

From idea to launch - we worked with Alistair & we helped him develop his Program Pre-Selling System, his pricing, his monthly recurring packages and his sales process.

He sold $10,000 in program signups in his first week, and he kept that up the entire month…

He even hired his girlfriend to help manage all his new clients because he was getting so many sign-ups every week.

And while that’s pretty cool, let us introduce you to another one of our clients we helped implement this model in their business…

Meet Gabe Gennace, Who Used Our Model To Hit Over $50,000 per Month Profit And Is Now Doing Over 7-Figures A Year…

Gabe faced the issues most online trainers hit after getting their first couple clients…

…he needed to figure out how to charge higher prices up front AND stop trading his time for money…

He used The Fitness Millions Model to 10x how much he was charging & finally establish monthly recurring revenue as an added bonus...

So not only did he hit record months every single month since starting to use The Fitness Millions Model…

…But now he has a way to get clients easily without trading time for money...

From workout structures, to diet programs to mindset coaching…every fitness niche works…

…In fact, the model works even better when you combine personal training with some of your other passions…

And this WORKS In any niche… Like How Simon Wallgren Went From 0-$15,000 PER MONTH In 30 Days By Selling Faith-Based Fitness Programs… 

Simon is using The Fitness Millions Model in a slightly different way…

…Instead of selling only diet or training programs...

...he built his business on doing group calls with his clients where they study faith as well as maintain a regimented diet & workout schedule…

As a result...

...he was able to completely replace his income & move his family to a different country, while bettering other people’s lives doing what he loved most…

Speaking of bettering people’s lives…here’s another one…​

Meet john mark, Who started as a complete beginner & no social media…

And just 30 days after launching...

...he was sitting at over $15,000 per month in program sales 

After implementing our model - John got his first high-ticket sale ever, and within weeks collected his first $10,000 online...

But that's not all...

The following month John hit $39,000 in program sales. He was so happy with his progress he even began referring other trainers to us...

​John came to us, with less then 300 subscribers on YouTube with no idea where to go next...

...Just a few months later he had over 11k subscribers and his training business was now on track to hit well over 6-figures annually…

​​And getting results like these starting from scratch isn't out of the ordinary...

Meet Will Richardson Who Built A $28,000 per Month Online Personal Training Business Focused Around Bodybuilding…

​​Will is someone who already knew deep down he wanted to train people online and didn’t want to work a 9-5 forever…

He had already tried building an audience in the fitness niche on TikTok & Instagram...but he just couldn’t get any of his followers to buy from him…

After implementing our framework...

​Using the Fitness Millions model, we helped him create his fitness coaching offer, and helped him build his pre-selling process...

...and it ended up working so well that within weeks he was getting over 30 coaching applications a day...

​...He went on to build his online client base to the point where he felt comfortable quitting his job - and finally go all in on himself.

​Speaking of getting full-pay clients through social media...

This is Taylor Thompson Who Was Struggling Going Months Without Sales…

Before he started using our model...

Taylor was on the rollercoaster of inconsistent program sales.

He had seen some success in the past but was struggling to get clients consistently singing up to work with him.

...Until he started implementing our model.

​Taylor immediately started booking consistent sales calls and was able to hit $8k-$12k months like clockwork...

The best part is... he was finally able to free himself from the cold messaging hamster wheel...

They’re just a small part of a group of Over 5,200 online Coaches looking to build bigger businesses...

...who are using this breakthrough framework to generate hundreds of pre-sold people and turning them into high-paying clients...

So The Question Isn’t If This Is
​Going To Work For You…

It worked for us...

AND it's worked for HUNDREDS of others..

The real question is:

If everything else out there worked like you hoped it would...

...Then WHY are you here right now?

Why are you still trying to figure out how to get online personal training clients manually? If you haven't figured it out by now...when exactly are you expecting it to happen? ... and how?

While other online trainers are attracting clients with 10x less effort & time investment? If you can't generate clients with your current strategy, what are you hoping will change that?

Why are you still buying courses trying to figure out how to make this business work? If the stuff they teach you worked, then why are you here?

While other personal trainers can’t keep up with the amount of sign-ups they’re getting?... and your potential future clients are paying them instead of you...

How are they making personal training so profitable? ...while you're still scratching & clawing for your first few clients...

Why are they getting attention on social media? while you're getting crickets...

Why are you messaging random people to try and sell them? When they can already smell your sales pitch coming from a mile away...

While they have clients coming to them begging to work with them? As you're getting on your knees, pleading to those same people to "just hear you out".. and still getting left on read...

Why are you creating content randomly & just hoping something will hit? ...and telling yourself that "just 1 more post" will get you there...

While other trainers have just 1-2 pre-selling videos that turn new people into daily sign-ups. Letting them spend the rest of their time enjoying their life...while you plan your “content calendar”

They’re Not Better, Smarter Or More Talented Than You - They’re Just Doing Things Differently Than You…

That means...

They don’t do any cold DM outreach or cold calling - if you can’t attract people to you in a systemized fashion, have fun burning yourself out

They don’t sneakily befriend people on social media and then pitch them - you can tell yourself all you want that you’re “not gonna quit” - but everyone hates that you do it

They don’t try to sell cheap ebooks or supplements— they know it's easier to make more from a few coaching clients who pay thousands than by selling hundreds of cheap products.

They don’t run Free communities - you can't automate a profitable online training business if you have to also manage tens of thousands of tire kickers

They don’t have to constantly post on social media if they don't want to - the only ones that do are ones that truly enjoy growing their audience (which is totally fine if you want to)

In fact: they’re not doing anything that just about everyone else is doing when it comes to acquiring clients…

They do something entirely different...

...Something that actually works.

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Instead, What We Do Is Create An Automated Client Attraction Machine

And it works 24/7/365 - generating 'ready to pay' clients on command

Using the Fitness Millions Model allows you to...

Turn dozens (if not hundreds) of new viewers per day into people who genuinely know, like & trust you...

And then easily converting those people into high-paying clients that pay you $3,000-$5,000 up front OR $300-$2,000 per month...

​…All by creating a few simple pre-selling videos for your program…

While only requiring 1-2 hours per day to manage...

Here’s what it looks like and details of how and why each phase works

Now you can see...

Why this is the Most Powerful model to use in 2024 to acquire Fitness Coaching Clients Profitably & Easily...

You get Paid In Full for your coaching... Because your leads are so warm closing high ticket $3,000+ packages become the new normal instead of cheap monthly clients

You get clients who respect your time, because they're more invested in themselves they take your coaching seriously AND get better results 

You get to build a loyal and engaged audience full of buyers instead of a dead following that isn’t interested in what you have to offer…

You to protect your image, because your clients will come to you first... Instead of getting a bad reputation from chasing people down and being pushy... 

There’s almost no startup cost - All you need is an iPhone and a gym membership

Your leads will actually know, like & trust you before you speak to them… ensuring you never have to “sell yourself” to people

You never have to deal with “tire kickers" who waste your money AND your time

Any successful entrepreneur knows it’s easier to sell to someone who has a previously existing relationship with you than a complete stranger

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This is The Fitness Millions Model that people from all over the world are now using to generate extremely interested leads and turn those leads into high paying clients...

​This approach allows them to start and scale their online fitness business faster than ever before…

Best of all, they get to focus on what they truly love: helping others experience life-changing transformations and get in the best shape of their lives

…And by getting more client transformations their marketing becomes even more more powerful bringing in even more clients…

Allowing every day fitness enthusiasts to quit their day jobs and run their online fitness business full time…


...This is something completely different because...

We don’t need to be famous on social media.

We don’t need any fancy certifications.

We don’t need to chase down leads.

We don’t have to send hundreds of cold messages.

We don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on paid ads.

We don’t have to post cringe TikTok content.

​In fact: our members usually make more from a single client than they used to make in an entire month at their old 9-5

This is something completely different and it has the power

to change everything for you…

…and I know that’s true…

Because it's changed everything for hundreds of other..

The Fitness Millions Model has helped hundreds get rid of the BS that stops people from turning their passion into an enjoyable online business…

  • Like frantically scrambling to find the next client all the time to keep the business afloat...
  •  Doing outreach messages and begging someone to even have interest in the first place...
  • ​​Soul crushing client meetings that always have to be at other people's convenience...
  • ​​Posting & Praying on social media - waiting for the signups that just never come...
  • Sales Calls - which usually end up in "I'll get back to you" then never hearing a peep from them again...

The Fitness Millions Model Is Freeing People From All That And It's Allowing Them To Travel The World And Do What They Actually Enjoy...

There's a saying you might have heard:

Work to live. Don't live to work.

So with that in mind...

Here’s what the average online fitness coaches life used to look like before they found The Fitness Millions Model (and If you’ve ever coached online, you can definitely relate)…

I call this the  “Online Training-Wild West" 

  • Step 1 - You decide to give online coaching a shot
  • Step 2 - You start sending outreach messages to people to try and get them to work with you
  • Step 3 Nobody gives you the time of day
  • Step 4 - Cold messages don't get you anywhere so you start posting on social media
  • Step 5 - Your content gets no engagement
  • Step 6 - You finally get someone who's interested but they end up ghosting you
  • Step 7 You keep sending messages and posting content knowing that it's not getting you anywhere
  • Step 8 - You start wondering if this is even possible and think about giving up

The Online Training Wild West not only sucks, but it keeps trainers stuck in this loop for years - forcing them to only make $30-$40k per year while working their asses off.

And this is why…

...Most people come close to giving up on their dream of running their own online business...

... Which is sad because they usually throw in the towel, RIGHT BEFORE they stumble on the thing that actually works...

So if you want to try something...

Something that - if it worked. It would change everything for you...

And as you're about to find out, what dozens of 6/7-Figure Fitness Coaches are using...

... That actually works...

And we've spent years testing it...so you don't have to figure out anything from scratch...

And We've Put This Entire System In A 178 Page Book Called 'Fitness Millions' And You Can Start Reading It In Just A Few Moments From Now…

All you need to do is...

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And That's Where The Sales Pitch Ends

So If You're Someone Who Doesn't Like Reading Long Sales Pages - I'm Going To Save You Alot Of Time Right Now...

Let Me Explain To You How This All Came To Be...

So That You Fully Understand Why It Works In The First Place…

My name’s Liam Adams
 and in 2022 I was in a position where I had reached the goals I’d set for myself when I first started my online business several years earlier.

I had built a marketing agency that was doing over $50,000 a month - and it gave me the lifestyle I had always dreamed of...

…I traveled the world…

…I worked on my own terms...

..and pretty much did whatever I wanted.

I reached the freedom lifestyle I Always Dreamed To Achieve...

These are some pictures of traveling the world and going to amazing places...

​Doing whatever I wanted...

​Living in different locations as I pleased...

And Freedom Was All I Wanted At That Point In My Life

But nothing is permanent.

​You see...

​My content marketing agency was running successfully, my team of 15 employees and my clients were happy.

​I was getting my clients millions of views and they were blowing up on social media...

​And yes, they were getting new business...

However, for the amount of views they were getting, I thought that I should be getting them MASSIVE amounts of business...

​After all - even if someone was getting just a couple thousand views on social media...

They should be ABSOLUTELY raking it in...

So I needed to find out how to turn all of these views into a consistent stream of income for my clients…

And in truth...I could have just let it be. I could have not worried about it.

I would sometimes say to myself:

"Why does it matter? They're still paying me every month - so it must be fine right?"


I pride myself on my client results, and even though they were still satisfied with the work we were doing for them…

I knew that if I wanted them to keep paying me for years to come... 

I had to figure out a way to turn their views into boat loads of cash

The only thing is - I just wasn't able to figure it out myself

My entire skillset at the time was generating TONS of views from scratch for anyone on social media...

But systematically turning those views into dollars for each different type of client was a completely different ballgame.

I had considered all the possible ways I could help them...

But I just didn't know where to start.

So...I joined a couple different marketing masterminds to try & find any strategy I could get my hands on to blow my client's minds...

And that's when I met vince

Vince was the guy that very few people knew....

...other than the influencers & brands he worked with behind the scenes...

...who also happened to pay him $10,000-$20,000 for consulting...

They turned to him for help whenever they hit a wall...

They just couldn't pinpoint the cracks in their marketing that were quietly sabotaging their dreams of hitting serious numbers.

Their vision was clouded - and they needed him to shine the light on what was holding them back...

If you see an influencer running a coaching program, or selling something online - chances are, they paid vince to help them...

You see...

​For a long time, I thought the best in the industry...were the guys talking into the camera on social media...

​And after seeing what Vince was helping these influencers and brands do...

​I learned that couldn't be further from the actual truth...

​The real killers in this industry are the guys putting all the pieces together in the background that you probably haven't even heard of.

Without vince - you wouldn't hear or know a lot of the influencers in the fitness space that are making real money...

And that's the whole point - because the real competitive advantage in the game of businesses is the strategy competitors can't see.

​And Vince was moving chess pieces around the board for these guys that their competitors NOT ONLY couldn't see...

...he was giving them moves their competitors didn't even know existed...

...Influencer's payment processors would literally send them warning notifications because of how much more volume they would start to move after Vince tuned them up...

​..in fact, he regularly made clients SO MUCH money that their followers started reaching out to the influencers THEMSELVES for business advice & coaching...

Vince worked with multiple 7-Figure Ecommerce brands, where he would tweak JUST their website and they would start making hundreds of thousands more (without even needing to spend more on ads)...

...Owned a marketing agency where people would pay him monthly retainers of $7,500-$15,000/mo...

​...Ran sales teams in the auto industry...

​...Launched his own coaching program to over 6-figures per month (not a penny spent on ads for that one)...

...And has been directly responsible for upwards of $75 million in revenue generated across all the clients he's had...

In short, he's VERY familiar with absolutely exploding people's revenue using tools they didn't even know they had available to them...

and strangely enough - the same type of people who were reaching out to me for help, were aLSO asking vince for help too...

Week-in and week-out...we had both started to get people that were struggling to get quality clients online without having to do the whole song & dance...


​In Vince's case, over 90% of all the people that were flocking to him & asking for help were all in one specific category...

​They were almost ALL Fitness Coaches & Online Trainers that had heard through the "influencer grapevine" that he was the wizard for scaling anything in the fitness industry...

...especially getting fitness coaching signups.

So after we linked up a couple more times...

​Talking about our individual situations...

​And knocking around some ideas about strategy...

It was starting to become the perfect storm.

​Our skillsets were matched perfectly...

...I knew the ins & outs of social media content and how to get people tons of views - even if they were starting from complete scratch...

And Vince was a killer at monetization, sales processes & had his extensive background building these Fitness Influencers businesses...

​We decided to partner up and build a new model to solve this problem for all these Fitness Coaches & Online Trainers who were crying out for help.


Vince Told Me His Clients Were Using A

'Program Pre-Selling' System - That Made Viewers Sell Themselves On The Coaches Program Before Even Speaking To Them...

And how these coaches were signing new clients every day...

...Their clients were coming from every platform - Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Facebook and even Twitter...

Using a Pre-Selling System that attracts clients to you, and has them ready to buy your program before you even know they exist...

Is the absolute path to success for the next 4-6 years online...

​...Because let's face it...

Everyone knows that big money clients are the ones that already want to buy before they even speak to you - yet everyone struggles to get them...

A LOT of trainers have failed at getting signups for high price, Full-Pay coaching programs ...

And A LOT MORE people have failed at even selling lower price, monthly recurring programs...

And In Just A Minute, You'll See Why This Is The Only Way Left For You To Get Quality Coaching Clients...

❌ ...Without constantly posting useless “How-To” videos on social media (3 Tips For Your Arm Workout)...

​❌ ...Without messaging strangers where you pretend to be friendly with them & then sneak in a sales pitch...

​❌ ...Without having to chase people to the ends of the Earth to get a single sign-up for your program...

And especially without having to deal with tire kickers that don't value you for what you're worth...

Now...everyone knows that Outreach Messages and "Posting & Praying" worked at one point in the past - but let's face it...

Who Enjoys Unwanted Messages From Strangers...or would pay thousands to someone posting Robotic "Workout Tips" on Instagram?

...Where the entire method of trying to get sign-ups is either based on:

1) Fake friendliness, or...

2) Boring copy-paste social media videos that make you look like a cardboard cut-out at GNC...

  • Everyone knows the outreach messages from out of the blue are a sales pitch in disguise
  • Everyone knows that spray & pray content on social media doesn't actually bring in high-paying clients...
  • Everyone knows that 95% of the time and energy invested in both of these methods is spent on uninterested or broke leads...
  • And the added stress from neither way working usually pushes coaches to try & do them harder - which makes them come off EVEN MORE desperate. 

And most important of all ...

Everyone Knows That Just About Anyone Out There Who's Tried Has FAILED At Making These Methods Work...

...between the time trying to get eyeballs in the first place...

​...spending time faking being friendly & interested in their problems, and actually trying to get them to hand you even a decent amount of money - the math doesn't check out.

​...because those methods are based on trying to force people to buy your training program... 

​Which ends up pushing them away even further...

Compare That Vs. The Method Of Using A Program Pre-Selling System That Attracts People Who Are Already Interested In Investing In Their Health In The First Place…

You’re getting pre-sold leads constantly: We’re generating people who are pre-sold on us and the fitness programs we’re selling everyday - not trying with connect with randoms online

There's Zero Deception or Tricks: Outbound messaging fundamentally relies on tricking people into unknowingly getting onto sales calls and pressuring them to buy. Our members lead with value and proof so prospects already know like and trust them by the time they get to the sales call.

You Protect Your Reputation: You don’t have to do cringe TikTok dances or bother people in the DMs - This way people will have more respect for you and you’ll feel more confident running your fitness business.

You’re Not Losing Money: Most of our clients get their first sales without using paid ads. It’s 100% risk free. Then If you want to re-invest into ads to scale even higher, you can choose to do that - but it isn’t mandatory.

Training Clients Only Come To You: Our members never message prospects first. Their pre-selling system generates inbound leads instead.

You Don’t Need To Be A Sales Pro: Your pre-selling content does the selling for you. You don’t need to be a natural salesman. We’ve had dozens of trainers make their first online sale ever with this model.​

Our Model Offers A Lot Of Value & Credibility To People vs Cold DM’s or Cookie-Cutter Content: It’s a clear and easy to understand breakdown of how your fitness program works & the results it’s getting your clients. You don’t have to convince people for 2-3 hours on a call why or how your program gets transformations. Your Pre-Selling System does that for you.

Most People Focus On Getting Views, You Gotta Focus On Landing Clients: We focus on attracting results-oriented people who are ready to invest in themselves. We don’t waste time with tire kickers hoping they become buyers. The Pre-Selling System instantly filters out the serious buyers from the window shoppers.

An amazing side benefit: Because we provide so much value up front we are able to quickly build massive audiences, email lists, communities, Instagram followers, and so on!

For a very long time we were focused on selling to everyone and trying to turn everyone into high ticket sales – it never works out well. We only sell to those who are perfect clients.

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After talking to Vince and realizing all this...

​...fast forward to 2 weeks later...

A Crazy Idea Hit Me...Maybe We Could Have All These Fitness Coaches Asking Us For Help Use This ‘Program Pre-Selling’ System…

And that's what we did.

​Not only that...

​We even used the 'Program Pre-Selling' System ourselves to prove how well it worked and posted it on a new YouTube channel.

We broke down how we had gotten a previous fitness coach from scratch to $28,000/mo in a single month...and we were accepting applications...

​This demonstrated how the model worked in real time...
​Fast forward about 3 months, and we had already hit capacity at working with 160 people simultaneously...

...and they were getting insane results, fast (like some of the ones you saw at the top of this page)

​For example - one of them was Gabe...

​He saw how our strategy worked, was intrigued & scheduled in a call with us after seeing how our model worked...

He had just recently spent thousands on a business coaching program from one of the biggest names in the space (More than 800k+ followers)

They had advised him to "just post more, send more messages and lower his prices"...​

After Taking Advice From The ‘Biggest Guru’ In The Space - He Actually MADE LESS MONEY...

We knew right there...we had to make things right and help him bounce back from getting burned.

We took it on as a challenge - knowing that without a doubt we could do better by Gabe then this guru who will remain unnamed…

It was time to take his online fitness business to the next level..
​He spent the next week putting all the pieces together that we laid out for him...spending about 1 hour a day getting everything ready...

And once it was good to go- he started posting on his Instagram and sent his followers to his finished Pre-Selling System...

It worked so well, that within the first 45 days, he had cash-collected $80,000 USD....

and within 60 days - that number was over $116,000 In Signups...

(Sidenote - the model worked so well that he hit these numbers while taking an entire week off from taking signup calls so he could go on a vacation with his girlfriend)

Without spending a dollar on ads, sending a single outreach message or Anything that everyone Else Is Doing in the industry...

Vince was onto something...

​...because the last couple months made me realize how effective the Pre-Selling System was at getting paid-in-full signups for these fitness programs...

​In fact, it was so effective...

​...that soon after that picture above was taken, Gabe came to us asking for help again because...

...He was getting so many Inbound Messages & Booked Calls On his calendar - that He couldn't collect all the cash himself while aLSO managing his Clients Training Progress...

I told Vince about what Gabe was struggling with...

...and he told me that he knew EXACTLY what to do...

So…we used a connection we had with a sales training company - and in just days we installed a ‘DM Closer’ into Gabe's Instagram account…

(DM Closer - A sales person who manages your inbox and closes deals for you)

And within 2 short weeks…

We Automated 50% His Cash Collection So He Was Spending Even Less Time Working While Making Even More…

The ‘DM Closer’ we installed for him was closing deals for him on autopilot... 

...while Gabe would focus on just enjoying his life hopping on coaching calls with his clients to help them with their training...

he was actually making money in his sleep...

All jokes aside…we had built him a literal fitness coaching money printer…

So finally, after we installed this all for him...

And after he implemented our system for getting testimonials & transformation pictures on autopilot...

Which generated even more clients without him lifting a finger...

​Gabe's Business started blowing up...

He had finally Created the online personal training business he Dreamed of having when he first started...

We had cracked the code for growing 6-Figure Fitness Businesses…

And we discovered how powerful our 'Program Pre-Selling' System was after putting it into action

...At that point all that was left to do was repeat the process for our other clients...

And let the results fly in...

We Were Launching 6-Figure Fitness Businesses Left & Right With The 'Program Pre-Selling' System…

You see...

When You Use This Model Of Pre-Selling Your Clients - You Can build a business that Simply just works...

...Because you can do something others can't… You can get the attention of complete strangers and turn them into red hot leads that are ready to pay you $3,000+ - (before ever speaking to them)…

It's as simple as that.

And when it comes down to it - all you need is a system where money can predictably come out...

...That's how all 6-Figure (and beyond) online fitness businesses are built.

That's all you really need...

...a superior system that brings in pre-sold leads & generates profit, even if you don't have the most polished program yet...

​But you can only do that if you know the details of how the model works.

​And that's because...

What you see on the surface is only a small part of what makes it work

The real money comes from what you don’t see.

​That's why many have tried to copy us and our clients...

  • Tried copying their content...
  • Tried copying their videos
  • Tried copying their messaging
  • Tried copying their programs
  • Tried copying their websites
  • Tried copying their branding

And copied everything everything in between, yet all have failed...

​...Because you see...

What no one seemed to realize is that With The Fitness Millions Model - Your Clients Scale The Business FOR YOU...

The Program Pre-Selling Video teaches your future clients how your training program works before they even sign up...

This completely removes the learning curve BEFORE they even start...

And because they understand your training methodology...

...And because they are also already bought into YOU...

All they have to do is execute...

This way…

They End Up giving you better transformation pictures & testimonials even faster than they normally would...

...This allows you to start showing off even more client transformations online with insane amounts of proof to establish you as a true authority...

...which brings in even more clients on autopilot...

That's the big secret behind building 6-Figure Online Fitness businesses...

And as we mentioned earlier…

The results we were getting for our “beta program” clients were so strong that they started referring other coaches to us constantly...

…162 people joined and everyone that took action had a 100% success rate. The ones that didn’t take action and didn’t show up on any calls got no results... (shocker)

And it doesn't have to only be a weight loss program that you sell...

We've proved this model works in any niche of Health & Fitness you can imagine...

...I'm talking ANY niche under the sun.

We’ve even had online golf coaches use this system to hit $6,000 DAYS.

Yes… I said GOLF coaches...

Here Are Some of The Major Reasons why our Members love using The 'Program pre-selling' System to generate clients from scratch...​

Here's what they had to say:

  • “I’ve stopped chasing clients. Now, they’re coming to me, eager to start, because the system does all the heavy lifting.”
  • “I finally stopped wasting time on unqualified leads—every call I take now is with someone who’s ready to invest in themselves.”
  • "I'm attracting clients who are genuinely excited to work with me. They've seen my pre-selling video, they know what I'm about, and they're ready to commit"
  • "He was already sold when he got on the phone, he asked me for the payment link 15 mins in hahaha"
  • "I used to struggle with convincing people of my value. Now, they see it for themselves before we ever speak"
  • "These new clients that pay me 10x more then my old ones are so much more respectful then people that would pay me a couple hundred"
  • "I love how the system filters out the tire-kickers. I only talk to serious clients who are ready to make a big investment in their health"

After realizing just how powerful this model is and how it can help so many people...

Because the reality is...

It doesn't matter how great your program is, how much you care about your clients OR how much you can impact their lives....

...If you can't even get turn strangers into ready-to-pay leads without speaking to them...

Then you'll forever be trapped working 'In the business' instead of having the time freedom to work 'on the business'...

...And the only way to do that is to have a system in place that does all the selling for you...

Day in... And day out...

​You see, when it comes to selling online...

​If You Don’t Have An Effective System Bringing In Pre-Sold Leads - You Will Always Be Scratching & Clawing For Your Next Dollar...

It doesn't matter how good your program is...

It doesn't matter how detailed your training is...

It doesn't matter how much you want to help others...

It doesn't matter if you have a fancy certification or not...

It doesn't matter if you have a big social media following...

Because If No One Ever Buys From You - Then All The Effort Is For Nothing...

And if no one buys from you...then you can't reach the people whose lives you know you can impact the most.

But in Order for Someone To Buy Your Program – You Have To Be Able To Sell It Without...

Without spending hours everyday just trying to get people to notice you…

And without having to be a natural born salesman to sell consistently…

And when it comes to selling…​

It doesn't matter how many followers you have ...

It doesn't matter how good your physique is...

It doesn't matter how good your sales skills are ...

It doesn't matter how good your program is ...

Because if no one ever buys from you - then all the effort is for nothing...

But when you’re able to get people to buy from you AND you have a program that gets your clients killer transformations…

That’s when you’ll be on track to turning your passion for fitness into 6 or 7-figure income just like many of our clients have achieved following the same path…

…You need the Pre-Selling System & Your Program to be working together.

And the combination of these two is what no one will tell you about.

But it's the exact thing that you're going to get today.

This is the one thing that every “business coach” promising that they know how to help people get clients out there doesn’t even know exists.

This secret 2-System Combo is what they either don’t know about…and the few that do would never share it because it’s what’s making them money.

When it comes down to it…

When You Have An Effective Pre-Selling System & Powerful Training Program That Work Together - You Can Finally Build A Fitness Business That Works

You can do things others can't do

You can work on your own terms (unless you enjoy having to live on other people’s terms)

You can live how & where you want (where you live now…did you actually choose to live there - or do you have to live there?)

You can buy the car you actually want (not the one the banks decide you can afford)

You can travel where you want (The only thing better than being the most ripped person at the beach is being the most ripped person on a Private Beach)

You can hire 1-2 good people that can take off a majority of the workload for you while you enjoy what you’ve built (we go over how to do this in the book)

You can work wherever you want - you don’t have to work in a gym or at an office all day - you can work from home, at an office you own or work on vacation (Beaches are great for marketing fitness programs by the way)

You don't have keep convincing yourself "you're fine where you're at" - when in reality, you're constantly daydreaming about what you want your life to actually look like...

We Realized It Was Time To Package Everything Up Into This Book And Help Others Just Like You Get The Same Results As Them…

Our clients kept telling us that there wasn’t anything else out there on the market that worked as well as this...

And they told us this is something that everyone needs in their online fitness business…

And that’s why you’re here right now.

Because, now with one single decision - you could be next.

We spent the last 4 months writing the Fitness Millions book…

…We put everything we knew about how to do this…

…We didn’t hold anything back…

…And it came out to be 3 sections, 12 Chapters - totaling out to 178 pages.

After fine tuning the entire process for ourselves and others...

We Wrote A 178 Page Book Explaining How This Entire Model Works - So We Can Help You Get Results Too…

And in order to help you get results, we had to give you everything that you needed to do this...

At 178 pages - it's a pretty value-packed book

One Book. 12 Chapters. 178 Pages.

1 System That Works.

It's broken down in 3 parts -  and 12 Foundations Chapters...

This is a big book...

...And it's that big for two reasons:

The first reason is:

We didn't hold anything back.

We're going to give you everything you need to do this.

And the second reason is:

Building a pre-selling system that powers a multi-6 figure Fitness Business requires filling in some crucial knowledge gaps for you…

And we need to make sure you understand exactly how to get there, step by step.

...There's many moving parts that make the machine work as well as it does.

And when you know how to build a sales & client generating machine...

You get great results, but in order for you to get those results...

You have to know how to do it step by step and that’s exactly what we’ll show you in the Fitness Millions book…

Here’s The Exact System Revealed In The Fitness Millions Book:

Step 1 - Perfect Offer & Target Audience

Step 2 - Strategic pre-selling content

Step 3 - Drive traffic & get sign-ups

Step 4 - Get client results and put the proof of those results back into your marketing to make client attraction even easier 

Step 5 - Automate the selling system, build recurring revenue, get referrals from clients and let the business build itself as time goes on 

Those Are The 5 Steps To Generating Multi
6-Figures In Your Online Fitness Business…

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And turn those clients into clients that continue their subscriptions with you AND refer you more business…

All of this is revealed in the 178 page Fitness Millions ebook in step-by-step detail.

​Making it a counterintuitive approach to running a highly successful online fitness business for the person that seeks freedom from the 9-5 grind...

...the ability to live how you want, and the choice to spend your time making real money running an enjoyable business that you’re actually passionate about

So here's everything you're going to discover in the 178 pages of the fitness millions book...

First off…this is wildly different than anything you’ve ever read because it’s more of a step-by-step blueprint to getting clients on autopilot than a traditional “book”...

…You won’t find any fluff material, unnecessary filler, or run-on stories that aren’t relevant…

…It’s all practical & immediately useful material…

…packed with everything you need to enter the fitness/health niche of your choice…

…And getting paid in full online training clients - (even if you’ve never sold anything before)...

…In order for you to do this, you have to understand why the model works in the first place, and that’s why…

It Immediately Takes You Through Each Foundational Step of How The Model Works…

Showing you exactly not only how it works, but also WHY it works so you can make it work for you…

…Then it goes into what to do and how to do it…

Plus, it’s easy to read.

You’ll Immediately Get The Entire Model Our Members Are Using To Build 6-Figure Fitness Businesses In 2024…​

Here’s just a fraction of what’s inside and what it might mean for your online fitness business:

  • How To Identify Your Perfect Customer - So you can target the most profitable niches in 2024...

All Explained On Page 60

  • How To Build a Winning High-Ticket Offer So You Can Collect $3,000+ Paid In Fulls - (And the exact offer structure our 6-figure coaches are using right now...)

All Explained On Page 71

  • How To Turn Complete Strangers Into Ready-To-Pay Leads - And how to create a pre-selling system that does this for you on autopilot...

All Explained On Page 97

And As A Result You're Going To Be Able To:

Launch a coaching program that can scale to 6-figures without needing prior experience

Know the most profitable fitness niches to sell to in 2024

Build a massive audience that knows, likes, and trusts you

Start getting signups in a matter of weeks (if not days)